Nail care is very important and here at House Pets Spa

it is included FREE as standard on all grooms.

Nail Cutting

Nail Cutting is included FREE with all bath & full groom packages as standard. All dogs will have their nails checked as part of a basic health check at every groom. You can also book nail trimming in between grooming if needed.

 Nail Grinding 

This is a superior option to nail cutting which allows us to shape and smooth the nail reforming the foot shape and shortening the quick over time. We will upgrade any dog suitable to this option from nail cutting for FREE.

Paw Balm

The pads and underside of the feet are exposed to a lot in the natural course of their life. From Road Salt to hot pavements, we add a free paw balm to combat life and help to moisturise  and protect.

Why Dogs Need Their Nails Trimmed

If dogs spend time running around on hard surfaces the abrasive action of their movement and weight can help the nails remain shorter naturally and they have less need for formal nail-grooming sessions. Many dogs however live in urban areas spending time indoors when their owners are at work and on soft surfaces such as lawns or parks when they are outdoor. Elderly, inactive or injured dogs, as well as smaller, less heavy breeds do not naturally wear the nails down and over time they will become long, break or make movement uncomfortable.

  • Long nails look unattractive, but over time they can do serious damage to your dog too. When nails are so long that they constantly touch the ground, they exert force back into the nail bed, creating pain for the dog. this can over time realign the joints of the foreleg and foot, causing damage adding to arthritic conditions as they age.

  • In extreme cases, overgrown nails can curve and grow into the pad of the foot causing a open wound allowing infection to occur. Long nails can split, which is very painful and depending on severity, may need to be treated by a veterinarian.

  • Because long nails can be painful for the dog, they may avoids having them touched, which leads to unpleasant nail-cutting sessions and potential behavioural problems should you ever need to examine or hold the foot.

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